LIFE+ project “Conservation arrangements for Lesser Spotted Eagle in Latvia”
Our objective
The overall objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of Lesser Spotted Eagle (Clanga pomarina, previously Aquila pomarina) in Latvia - the key breeding area of species in Europe. Improvement will be achieved by conservation measures that are focused on two threats – loss of breeding habitat and availability and quality of feeding habitats. Project is focused both at Site-related conservation actions inside Natura 2000 site and Species related actions that are not site-related. The planned objectives and actions correspond to the goals for the species on EU level, as listed in both, national and European Species action plans.

The specific objectives are:
- To arrange the further coordinated planning of protection by updating of species action plan.
- To interlink the existing Natura 2000 sites and to improve the connectivity of protected nest sites by the use of network of special protected areas, designated especially for the protection of species breeding grounds (so called microreserves).
- To increase the proportion of national population that is adequately protected by 12,5% (500 pairs), reaching 22,5%.
- To increase the expected longevity of LSE nests, included in this network
- To improve the feeding habitats in nature park “Kuja” (restoration of 30 ha of Fennoscandian wooded meadows (6530*), making the area suitable for 5 pairs of LSE) and nature reserve “Lubāna mitrājs” (Lubana Wetland Complex) (establishment of beef cattle grazing operation on 260 ha of grasslands, including restoration of 45 ha of Fennoscandian wooded meadows (6530*) and Northern boreal alluvial meadows (6450), making the area suitable for 5 pairs of LSE).
- To educate the key stakeholders in the protection of species breeding and foraging grounds.
- To raise the awareness of species conservation demands among general public.

Project duration:
- 1 August 2016 – 30 September 2021
Project partners:
- Latvian Fund for Nature – coordinating beneficiary;
- Latvian Ornithological society – associated beneficiary;
- “ELM Media” – associated beneficiary;
- SIA “Tīravoti” – associated beneficiary.
Project people


Project leader
Jānis Ķuze
Phone: 67 830 999
Communications assistant
Liene Brizga-Kalniņa
Phone: 29 110 527
Vīlandes iela 3-7, Rīga LV-1010